Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is responsible for Internet protocol (IP) and coordinates global IP addressing, symbols, numbering, media-type and DNS root zone management.
Based at the University of Southern California (USC), IANA manages a centralized IP database and uses global DNS oversight to assign unique IP addresses to private or public organizations. IANA receives annual subscription fees for these services.

IANA is responsible for:
  • Coordinating and providing upper-level domains (e.g., .org and .com) and country codes (e.g., .ca, .pk and .au), which facilitate IP network communication and routing processes
  • Providing numeric codes, which are further assigned to certain data types
  • Providing Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) and Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4)
IANA is also responsible for providing all specific codes, functions and protocols, including:
  • Services (e.g., routing)
  • E-mail protocols (e.g., POP3 and SMTP)
  • Special broadcasting and private addressing IP classes
  • Port numbering
  • Other common Ethernet network protocols

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