Naive Bayes

A naive Bayes classifier is an algorithm that uses Bayes' theorem to classify objects. Naive Bayes classifiers assume strong, or naive, independence between attributes of data points. Popular uses of naive Bayes classifiers include spam filters, text analysis and medical diagnosis. These classifiers are widely used for machine learning because they are simple to implement.

Naive Bayes is also known as simple Bayes or independence Bayes.

A naive Bayes classifier uses probability theory to classify data. Naive Bayes classifier algorithms make use of Bayes' theorem. The key insight of Bayes' theorem is that the probability of an event can be adjusted as new data is introduced.

What makes a naive Bayes classifier naive is its assumption that all attributes of a data point under consideration are independent of each other. A classifier sorting fruits into apples and oranges would know that apples are red, round and are a certain size, but would not assume all these things at once. Oranges are round too, after all.

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