Semantic Web Agreement Group (SWAG)

The Semantic Web Agreement Group (SWAG) is a group dedicated to promoting the semantic Web. While there is a lack of concrete information online about the founding and nature of this group, most sources attributed its emergence to Tim Berners-Lee, one of the pioneers of the World Wide Web who is involved in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Berners-Lee and others created the Semantic Web Agreement Group to work on semantic Web issues.

The idea of the semantic Web is that technologies can be differently labeled so as to make data more accessible to both humans and machines. Berners-Lee has described semantic Web as “a Web of data” that machines can process, where document components or metadata show particular relationships between pieces of data so that machines and people can sort them more efficiently. The Semantic Web Agreement Group aims to continue to make the semantic Web more concrete and to facilitate its use in the modern online world.

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